60+ Amazing Red bullet journal layout ideas

Updated 22 November 2019!

I am so excited to be updating this amazing list of red bullet journal themes and layouts! I found myself in a bit of a rut with my themes so decided to go right back to the start of the ‘ol ROYGIBV vibe and start with Red bullet journal layout ideas again! And WOW have people stepped up their bullet journal notebook game! Finding themes that are of one color is challenging to say the least!

If you are looking for pink bullet journal spreads instead of red, check out this post

Over our time we have collected a tonne more Red themed bullet journals over our time and I think we are currently topping the 100+ different spread department

If you would like to see our earlier red posts check them out here and here. However you might want to see all the colors

Helllllooooo! To our (Can you actually believe it!) third red blog post! This is the 3rd time we are rounding up Red bullet journal layout ideas! I actually cannot believe this is our 3rd Red post! Woohoo! So lets get cracking!

So one of the things I found with the red bullet journal ideas is that often they are “red item” based, like strawberries and flowers. This makes for a gorgeous mix of creative spreads. Some of the ones I have loved seeing the most are the ones that start getting really creative, like with the “red Queen” from Alice in Wonderland and other “red” featured characters. I would love to know if you have a red spread!

Here are our top 10 choices of red bullet journal spreads

Lets talk about some interesting facts about the color red!

I have started running out of things to talk about when we talk about red, so went looking for red facts!

1. Red also means “Beautiful” in Russian.

2. The word “ruby” comes from the Latin word rubens, meaning “red“.

3. The color red doesn’t really make bulls angry; They are color-blind.

4. There are at least 23 different shades of red crayons.

5. The red stripes on the United States Flag stand for courage.

6. Chinese brides traditionally wear red wedding dresses for good luck.

7. Seeing the color red can make your heart beat faster.

8. As few as two percent of people in the United States have red hair.

Looking for some fun red inspiration for your bullet journal?


Here are our 29 featured Red bullet journal layout ideas





I love the growing flowers in this stunning spread.

Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas

What I love about this spread is that it is simple but really packs that "red" punch, it could be easy to try for a newbie!

Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas

I love the artistic effects of this red layout, it makes you feel very french and lush. Very much a luxury spread!

Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas

As always Rhio wows us with her stunning coloured in spreads. This one is particularly adorable with its cute We Bare Bears theme!

Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas

The water color on this page is phhhheeeeenominal! I love the little spots of red!

Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas

These little strawberries are gorgeous! I love how simple yet effective they are on the page!

Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas

What I love about this red spread layout, is that it feels a little messy, and we often dont see that on the beautifully curated bujo feeds!

Red bullet journal layout ideas

Stunning artistic work has gone into this red layout

Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas

Love this clever little youtube tacker!

Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas
Red bullet journal layout ideas

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