9 ways to expertly edit your bullet journal photos for Instagram from the pros!
One of the questions I get asked most often on my Instagram account is “How do people edit or make make their Instagram photos looks so great?” Its a challenge! Its a combination of editing and good flat lays! So to be fair and not create bias 😛 I thought it would be cool to round up what all the pros are doing! So lets look into the top bullet journal photo editing tips from the pros!
What apps do people use?
The most common used apps seem to be free and those are Snap Seed and VSCO
The other apps that come up seem to be Adobe Creative Suit and PicMonkey and Fotor
Style 1: AmandaRachLee
Her Instagram feed is insanely gorgeous! Her YouTube channel is absolutely gorgeous too! Here she goes through the steps of editing her photos for instagram. With millions of followers flocking to her youtube monthly, she has a following beyond compare! She shows us step by step how she edits her images
She also did a second video on on this
Style 2: Life by Whitney
In her post on photo editing Whitney takes you step by step through the editing process and then lovingly shared a process video with you too!
Style 3: Study Quill
Her photos are clean and clear and totally uncluttered! Her feed is amazing and always aestetic! So how does she do it?
Style 4: The Boosted Journal
In his step by step process he outlines all the processes to creating great pics on Instagram! I adore that hes broken down all the steps for us as easily as possible!
Style 5: Little coffee fox
In this post; little coffee fox gives you some great tips to improve your flat-lays, when you look at her feed it is clear that she is an expert at both editing and flat lays!
Style 6: The Petite Planner
I her post about taking your Instagram account viral – Erin covers off 7 tips on setting up your Instagram account AND some great how tos on how to edit those photos
Style 7: Megan Paige – Boredstudying
In her step by step VSCO post – she outlines all the steps to taking great photos and editing them
Style 8: Mary Plethora
Again a great way to see step by step how Mary edits her Instagram photos. She qualifies her great advice with a gorgeous feed with lovely taken photos.
Style 9: Journal Sanctuary
Finally we end with the gorgeous Journal Sanctuary – Her Instagram feed is divine and so beautifully curated! So she simply states in her how-to post that she takes the photos in as natural light as possible and then edits them in snapseed! Easy peasy!
In Summary
In summary after watching these posts and pouring over my own style?
- Get natural light streaming in if you can!
- Use warm tones at night at get a special bulb if needed
- Edit the photos before posting
- Don’t over edit! You don’t want the photo looking fake and shitty!
- Get creative! Make your feed stand out with something special! Even if its a special paper clip!