HONEST Big Life Journal Review

Here we go! The Big life journal review! I wanted to provide an honest review on the big life journals and what they are. I have been a huge fan of journaling and writing down my feelings and thoughts for a LONG time. I have been looking for an option for my son, not only to help with his big emotions but also to help focus him on some positive self-talk and thinking about a growth mindset, which is fundamentally part of the “Big Life” Journals.

I have had to employ a variety of strategies to help me get my son into journaling and for him to really deep dive into some of those big emotions he might be feeling. I saw an ad for the Big Life Journals online and thought HECK let’s give it a little crack! So while I am reviewing this from a parent’s perspective, I am also reviewing this from my child’s perspective and how he enjoyed it and thought it would work. Check out my post on Making journaling more accessible for kids here.

I am always on the lookout for educational experiences that are not just entertaining and interesting but also engaging. Children have no notion that they are acquiring new knowledge when they are participating in an activity that they enjoy doing.

What is the big life journal?

Alexandra Eidens created Big Life Journal because she was unable to locate any materials that were aimed toward children and the development mentality. Because she had gained so much from cultivating a growth mindset in her own life, she was determined to ensure that her child would also be able to reap the benefits of this mindset.

After coming up empty in her search, she made the decision to create for herself what she couldn’t find elsewhere. The first version of the Big Life Journal was a physical book that was meant to be completed by one child with the assistance of a parent or other adult mentor on a weekly basis over a period of several months.

Big Life Journal was initially a one-woman operation run by a mother who used the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter to sell growth mindset journals. But over the course of the last few years, a single mother and a single diary have grown into a complete business with dozens of products and even a podcast dedicated to assisting children in cultivating a growth mentality. Many of these products were developed particularly for use in educational settings, such as classrooms, and include activities that would be difficult to replicate at home with a smaller number of children.

Therefore, it is important for parents who homeschool their children to bear this in mind before purchasing any of their printable items. The Big Life Journal is a growth mindset journal for children that is intended for use by children older than seven years old. It is laid out in a format that is meant to be utilized once per week and is segmented into a total of 26 weeks.

Each week, a kid and his or her “Journal Buddy,” who may be a parent, grandparent, sibling, or other caregiver, will read, write, and talk about a wide range of subjects together. This is something that the youngster and whoever the child chooses to have as a Journal Buddy talk about together.

The Big Life Journal is a resource that encourages youngsters to delve deeper by providing them with stories, drawings, poems, and games. You probably already know this about myself, but I am a journal addict. As a result, over the years, I’ve experimented with a wide variety of journals, ranging from commercially available bestsellers to my own handiwork. The Big Life Journal is a unique journal that cannot be compared to any others. This diary is really original and creative, and I adore it for those qualities!

The fact that you only use this notebook once a week ensures that it remains unique and enjoyable, freeing you from the burdensome requirements of a daily journal. First and foremost, I adore the messages that are written in this notebook.

Children come to understand that they are the only ones who can control themselves, their actions, and the world that surrounds them. What a beautiful lesson to instil in our children at a young age: the belief that they can constantly get better and grow as people. When children have a growth mindset, they feel that they can always improve and grow.

Buying the big life journal

The journals are shipped from Australia, so the shipping wasn’t to bad. I got the duo pack with the Big Life Journal – Daily Edition and 2nd Edition Bundle (ages 6-11) – What was quoted on the site was that: “The Big Life Journal – Daily Edition is a science-based journal that helps children grow resilient, confident, and emotionally healthy. The daily activities inside the journal help your child focus on encouraging, self-loving thoughts and wire their brain for growth mindset, resilience, confidence, gratitude, kindness, and self-love.

“Every child is going to savor this amazing journal that helps them unleash their inner world and express their feelings in a creative way!” Dr. Shefali Tsabary, a clinical psychologist and best-selling author” What I liked is that immediately after purchase there was a free printable to help parents motivate kids and there was some helpful resources supplied which I really liked.

The Big Life Journal encourages children to cultivate strong Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) skills and a growth mindset by providing them with illuminating stories, vibrant graphics, and interactive guided activities.

Children will learn about the following topics in this illustrated journal: how to have faith in themselves and how to approach difficult situations with assurance They can do anything as long as they keep working hard and view their failures as learning opportunities.

What does the big life journal contain?

Real-Life accounts of people’s triumphs over significant challenges, setbacks, and errors served as a source of motivation for the authors. Artwork and Poetry Relating to the Growth Mindset Journal Prompts, Activities, and Questions Created with the Purpose of Fostering a Growth Mindset

Why am I trying the big life journal for my child?

The promises around mindset and gratitude were huge for this journal and I was incredibly curious to see if in fact, they could be helpful.

When I first came across the Big Life Journal, I was immediately captivated by the promises it held in terms of fostering a positive mindset and cultivating gratitude in children. As a parent, I’m constantly seeking ways to support my child’s growth and development, so the idea of using this journal to instill these valuable qualities was truly appealing.

The allure of mindset and gratitude enhancements was undeniable, and I found myself eager to delve into the world of the Big Life Journal to determine if it could indeed live up to its claims. The journal’s potential to shape my child’s perspective and provide them with tools for navigating life’s challenges was a compelling reason for me to give it a try.

One of the primary reasons I decided to introduce the Big Life Journal to my child was its emphasis on nurturing a growth mindset. I’ve always believed that a person’s mindset plays a pivotal role in their overall well-being and success. The journal promised to guide my child towards embracing challenges, persisting through obstacles, and developing a strong sense of self-belief.

Through engaging activities and thought-provoking prompts, the Big Life Journal encourages my child to explore their own thought patterns, recognize the importance of a positive attitude, and view setbacks as stepping stones toward growth. Witnessing my child develop a mindset that embraces learning, resilience, and a “can-do” attitude has been truly remarkable and a testament to the journal’s efficacy.

What is the benefit of journaling for kids?

Gratitude is a quality that I’ve always wanted to nurture in my child, as I believe it lays the foundation for a fulfilling and joyful life. The Big Life Journal presented a unique approach to teaching gratitude by weaving it into various aspects of the journaling experience.

It has been demonstrated through research that journaling is beneficial to the mental health of adults and adolescents. Encouraging children to keep a journal can assist in the development of these skills at a young age, providing them with the ability to master the technique earlier and the capacity to be significantly more expressive about their surroundings as well as their feelings.

Children should keep a diary or journal regularly. Reading and writing are two abilities that they pick up from this. In addition to this, it gives them a channel via which they can communicate their emotions.

I believe that it is essential to make journaling enjoyable, particularly for younger children. This has the potential to pique their interest in putting their ideas and emotions down on paper. Give them the option of selecting a diary. You might find success with a specialized journal, such as a travel diary.

From gratitude exercises and prompts to encouraging acts of kindness, the journal offers my child a multitude of opportunities to reflect on and appreciate the positive aspects of their life. By instilling this practice of gratitude from an early age, my child is learning to find beauty in everyday moments, express thankfulness for both small and significant blessings, and develop a genuine sense of empathy towards others.

How to make journaling appealing to kids

You could have a conversation with children who struggle with intense emotions about the benefits of writing or drawing about how we feel, especially when we are dealing with “big” feelings such as anger, sadness, or frustration, and how getting those feelings out of our bodies and onto paper can help us feel better. Specifically, you could tell them how good it can feel to write or draw about how we feel when we are dealing with “big” feelings like these.

Give your kid the freedom to pick out the ideal diary for them. Keep in mind that even if the perfect journal is a spiral notebook or any other less desired notebook, it is still the perfect diary for them. If they enjoy writing with a pen and paper, they are more likely to continue using that method.

Reflecting on my big life journal review

As I reflect on my decision to introduce the Big Life Journal to my child and as i look at this big life journal review, I’m filled with a sense of satisfaction and gratitude. The promises that initially piqued my curiosity have blossomed into tangible benefits that are shaping my child’s perspective in meaningful ways.

The journey with the Big Life Journal is an ongoing one, marked by moments of self-discovery, growth, and connection. I am excited to witness how my child’s mindset continues to evolve and how their gratitude practice deepens as they engage with the journal’s enriching content.

In a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming, the Big Life Journal has emerged as a guiding light, helping my child navigate life with resilience, positivity, and a heart full of gratitude. For this reason, my decision to try the Big Life Journal for my child remains one of the most rewarding and impactful choices I’ve made on our journey of growth and learning.

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