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17 Inspirational Wellness Trackers to kick you into gear!

Hello February – the month where you thought you could achieve those resolutions you put in place! This month we are looking at everything wellness focused. The first things we are delving into is wellness trackers for your bullet journal – read more about weight-loss and fitness trackers here
Yup – Not happening right! “I promised to not eat treats” yeah right. I’m not winning at my “give up coffee” plan for 2018. So….I decided – what would keep me motivated? What would get me on track?
Well! Seeing my goals, staring at me – over and over….and over and over and over and over again.
I then thought to myself – wellness is tricky. As an Occuaptional health and safety manager, I get asked this question often, “How do we maintain our wellness?”. There are sooooooo many things I could go into, but from experience, I would say 2 simple things.
1. Keeping in a good head space and 2. Keep moving – even its a little a day, keep moving.
So – I started assessing what I could do up front to make my goals more achievable, and because I plan everything in my Bullet Journal – I decided ok – lets create a working spread dedicated to wellness. Now remember wellness includes your mental health, your physical health and your heart and soul. I think there is a lot of negative scripting around about wellness and fitness. You just need to google #fitspo to feel like a fat slob.
So perhaps – rather than saying, “I need to loose 20 pounds by April” turn that to – “I am going to take a salsa class and meet some new people, and if I loose some weight by April – Bonus!”
So in here – We are going to show you
1. Fitness Trackers
2. Mood Trackers
3. Other trackers to help wellness!

Lets start with bullet journal fitness trackers!

Grab a scrap paper and plan out what it is exactly you want to track.
If you want to follow the page – click on the image to go to the Instagram account ๐Ÿ™‚ <3






And another one from @craftyenginerd


Wellness Bullet Journals for inspiration

Have a look at some of these journals to get you started on your wellness journey!
Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Meditation and Mood trackers in your bullet journal

Grabย a scrap paper and plan out what it is exactly you want to track.
Again – If you want to follow the page – click on the image to go to the Instagram account ๐Ÿ™‚


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