57+ Amazing Butterfly Bullet Journal Spreads
One of the fun things about journaling and specifically creative bullet journaling is that you can add such fun details like amazing butterfly bullet journal spreads that create a bit of playfulness in your creative journaling process! Whats great about adding butterflies to your bullet journal is. that they are REALLY easy to draw and can be sooooo colourful!
Some fun facts about butterflies!
Butterflies have four wings. Butterflies often have brightly coloured wings with unique patterns made up of tiny scales. These wing scales are tiny overlapping pieces of chitin on a butterfly or moth wing. They are outgrowths of the body wall and are modified, plate-like setae (hairs). Most butterflies have different patterns on the front and back of their wings
Our amazing featured butterfly bullet journal spreads
Look how gorgeously blue these butterflies are! Its like they are hopping off the page!

This is a really simple way of adding some butterflies to your spreads by adding them as quotes and welcome pages!

I love how there is a gorgeous dashboard that compliments these amazing butterflies on the page!

Loving the cute butterfly washi tape accents! This is also such a cute way to add in a washi accent onto the p

Using butterflies to track moods is brilliant because they can be so colourful and show many moods in one day!

If you are nervous about drawing the rounded wing shapes of butterflies in your journal, this geometric butterfly mood tracker is perfect to keep you on track and making those fun playful spreads!

The colors in this spread are incredible and the detail amazing! This butterfly spread is awe inspiring!

If you are still nervous about drawing butterflies, you could use a coloring book to cute out shapes and stick them into your journal as an alternative. This also gives your journal some texture!

I love this science feel to these butterfly spreads!

What I love about Dear Ann Art is she runs you step by step though the drawing process!

I love again how simple this step by step butterfly tutorial is from our beloved Liz!

This is just an incredible dutch door made of butterfly wings! How stunning is this!

This is such a creative use of butterflies in a hot air balloon! How divine!!

I adore this mix of mandala and butterfly motif! how stunning is this!?