30+ Pokémon inspired bullet journal ideas
Pokémon inspired bullet journal ideas were exciting to find – it was like playing a game of Pokémon go in your journal and in my Instagram feed! I had so much fun finding these and while I wasn’t swept up in the excitement of the mobile game, I can be excited about the art work.
If you are looking for some of our other creative spread ideas – you can find heaps of them here
So what is all the hype about? Here are some facts about Pokémon
- Pikachu’s name is Japanese onomatopoeia for sparkle and squeaking.
Drowzee is based off of a tapir.
Azurill is the only Pokemon that can change gender.
Xatu sees both past and future at the same time.
Slowpoke is considered a delicacy.
Many Pokemon names include numbers.
Pokemon is short for “Pocket Monster.”
The history of the Pokémon media franchise spans over two decades from when work began officially on the first game to now, and has roots even older. It started simply enough as a hobby of Satoshi Tajiri, who as a child had a fondness for catching insects and tadpoles near his home in suburban Tokyo. Over time, Tajiri decided to put his idea of catching creatures into practice, to give children the same thrills he had as a child.
After the games, a Pokémon Trading Card Game was developed by Media Factory with its own set of rules. The first set of cards was released on October 20, 1996, containing 102 cards, and became very popular.
The franchise also won many manga interpretations, the first being Pokémon Pocket Monsters by Kosaku Anakubo, which was first collected and published in November 1996 by Shogakukan. This was chiefly a gag manga, using crude humor and slapstick, starring a Trainer named Red and his rude Clefairy.
Perfect accessories for your Pokémon inspired bullet journal ideas:
Our amazing featured Pokémon inspired bullet journal ideas: