
25+ Amazing Green Bullet journal theme layouts!

Green bullet journal theme’s can be hard to find! But we have more colors too!

Updated on the 1st October 2019

If you are looking for some great green bullet journal spread inspiration you have come to the right place! This week we round up the most gorgeous green spreads from around the world! We even have some amazing green leaves in your bullet journal and amazing spreads and pages!

The psychology of green

According to Color Psychology they state:

Green is a lively color, and it symbolizes renewal and growth. It is the color you see the most in the natural environment. So it is the color of spring, when everything comes to life. And it depicts the period when everything is alive and unrolling its natural processes.

When you see something green you know it is alive, right? It also means balance, calm and harmony. So it is a great color to have around when you are trying to restart yourself after a hard day. It is the reason we feel so great when we are out in the open.

We feel recharged and calm at the same time, filled with positive energy. It is the power of green, which manages to resonate without inner energy, rebalancing us.

In chromatic therapy, green is used to sooth the soul and mind. It helps loosen the body, from a mental and physical point of view. It is an excellent remedy for states of anxiety and nervousness, helping a person to regain his emotional balance and inner calm.

Lets go green shopping!

If you want to go green shopping we rounded up some gorgeous green goodies just for you!

It was a long week this week (which is New Zealand had a public holiday!) it must be the time of the year when everyone comes back from work and BOOM! want things done!

And that is the round up for this week!

In the captivating world of bullet journaling, where organization and creativity intertwine, the color green emerges as a symbol of growth, tranquility, and harmony. Green bullet journal spreads have the remarkable ability to infuse your planning routine with a sense of connection to nature and a serene atmosphere. Join us as we embark on a journey through the lush landscapes of green-themed bullet journal spreads, offering inspiration, tips, and ideas to elevate your journaling experience.

1. The Serenity of Green: Green is a color that reflects the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. By incorporating green into your bullet journal spreads, you invite a sense of calmness, balance, and renewal into your daily planning.

2. Designing with Nature’s Palette: Crafting green-themed bullet journal spreads provides a canvas to explore nature’s rich palette. Utilize green washi tape, markers, stickers, and illustrations to create layouts that mimic the soothing beauty of the outdoors.

3. Monthly Natural Wonders: Imagine designing monthly spreads inspired by the changing seasons. Create a “Enchanted Forest” theme with lush green trees or a “Garden of Possibilities” spread to symbolize the beginning of a new month.

4. Weekly Retreat in Green: Use green accents to highlight your weekly intentions and to-do lists, evoking a sense of tranquility and grounding as you tackle tasks and projects.

5. Growth and Progress: Transform your habit trackers into verdant landscapes, using green icons and illustrations to visually represent your progress and growth.

6. Botanical Illustrations: Infuse your bullet journal with botanical beauty by incorporating green plant doodles, leaf sketches, and flower illustrations that celebrate the intricate details of nature.

7. Mindful Moments in Nature: Design mindfulness and self-care spreads with green elements to foster a sense of serenity and connection to the natural world. Include grounding exercises, gratitude journaling, and relaxation techniques.

8. Wanderlust Adventures: Transport yourself to distant lands with green-themed travel spreads. Use green maps, globes, and destination markers to ignite your wanderlust and document your dream destinations.

9. Earthy Culinary Delights: Curate a collection of earthy and green-themed recipes, from wholesome salads to herbal teas, accompanied by illustrations that celebrate the beauty of natural ingredients.

10. Inspirational Green Quotes: Fill your journal with uplifting green quotes and affirmations that remind you of the importance of growth, resilience, and embracing change.

11. Reflecting in Nature’s Beauty: Create pages that reflect on your personal growth and life journey, using green symbols to represent new beginnings and the continuous cycle of change.

12. Language Learning Escapades: Embark on a linguistic adventure with green-themed vocabulary lists, language learning milestones, and cultural insights that enrich your language studies.

13. Eco-Friendly Living: Design a spread that focuses on sustainable and eco-friendly practices, featuring green tips, reusable product recommendations, and eco-conscious habits.

14. Outdoor Activities Planner: Craft a green-themed page dedicated to planning outdoor activities, from hiking and gardening to picnics and nature walks.

15. Environmental Awareness: Create a spread that raises awareness about environmental issues, incorporating green icons and facts to educate and inspire positive change.

16. Movie Night in Nature: Design a movie-themed spread with green popcorn, forest scenes, and movie ticket stubs that commemorate your favorite cinematic experiences.

What are some prompts to use for a green bullet journal spread?

Here are some green-themed prompts to inspire your bullet journal creativity and infuse it with the tranquility of nature:

  1. Natural Monthly Cover: Design a serene monthly cover page with green foliage, leaves, and branches, capturing the essence of nature’s beauty.
  2. Weekly Focus in Green: Use green headers and accents to highlight your weekly focus and priorities, evoking a sense of calm and balance.
  3. Nature-Inspired Mood Tracker: Create a mood tracker featuring various shades of green to represent your daily emotions and feelings.
  4. Botanical Habit Tracker: Craft a habit tracker adorned with green plant illustrations, tracking your progress and growth over the month.
  5. Mindful Moments in Nature: Design a mindfulness spread with green elements, incorporating grounding exercises and meditation practices.
  6. Leafy Doodles: Infuse your journal with intricate green leaf doodles and sketches, adding a touch of natural elegance to your pages.
  7. Outdoor Adventure Bucket List: Create a green-themed list of outdoor activities and adventures you’d like to experience, from hiking trails to camping trips.
  8. Herbal Recipes Collection: Curate a collection of herbal recipes, from refreshing green teas to soothing infusions, accompanied by green illustrations.
  9. Inspirational Green Quotes: Write motivational quotes in green ink that inspire growth, resilience, and a connection to the environment.
  10. Seasonal Reflections: Design green-themed pages that reflect on the changing seasons and their impact on your life and goals.
  11. Language Learning with Nature: Incorporate green-themed vocabulary lists and nature-related words as you progress in your language studies.
  12. Eco-Friendly Tips: Create a spread with eco-friendly tips and practices, encouraging a sustainable lifestyle and reduced environmental impact.
  13. Gardening Journal: Dedicate pages to planning and documenting your gardening endeavors, using green icons to symbolize different plant varieties.
  14. Travel Through Green: Craft travel spreads that focus on green destinations or eco-conscious travel tips, inspiring sustainable exploration.
  15. Natural Self-Care Rituals: Design a self-care spread featuring green-themed self-care activities, promoting relaxation and well-being.
  16. Environmental Awareness: Create pages that raise awareness about environmental issues and showcase actionable steps towards positive change.
  17. Outdoor Artistry: Use green as the backdrop for outdoor sketches, landscapes, or scenes inspired by nature’s beauty.
  18. Movie Night in the Woods: Design a cozy movie-themed spread with green popcorn, forest imagery, and movie recommendations.
  19. Wildlife Watch: Dedicate a page to observing and sketching local wildlife, celebrating the diversity of the natural world.
  20. Gratitude for Nature: Express gratitude for the beauty of the natural world by creating a green-themed gratitude journaling page.

Feel free to customize these prompts, mix and match them, or adapt them to your personal style. Let the soothing and refreshing color of green guide your bullet journal journey and create a space that resonates with the tranquility of nature.

In conclusion, green bullet journal spreads offer a serene and rejuvenating way to infuse your planning, organization, and creative expression with the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. Whether you’re tracking goals, designing artistic layouts, or promoting self-care, the color green can be your companion in crafting a journal that resonates with the essence of nature. So, gather your green pens, markers, and artistic tools, and embark on a journaling journey that celebrates the lush beauty of the color green.

Next week is YELLOW!

Out featured green bullet journal theme posts!


Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads
Green bullet journal spreads

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