27 Thirst-Quenching Coffee bullet journal layout spread ideas
If like me – you are 100% addicted to coffee – for me its the ‘ol caramel latte. So these 27 coffee bullet journal layout spread ideas will get you revved up on the caffeine hit and inspire the shizzness out of you!
If you are looking for some donuts to go with your coffee – check out our other inspirational posts here
So lets get into some fun facts about coffee?
- Legend has it that 9th century goat herders noticed the effect caffeine had on their goats, who appeared to “dance” after eating coffee berries. A local monk then made a drink with coffee berries and found that it kept him awake at night, thus the original cup of coffee was born.
- Brazil produces 40% of the world’s coffee, which is twice as much as 2nd and 3rd place holders, Colombia and Vietnam.
Coffee berries were mixed with fat to create an energy-rich snack ball. It was also consumed as a wine when made from the pulp of coffee berries.
Coffee beans as we know them are actually the pits of a cherry-like berry that are grown on bushes. Even though coffee is actually a seed, it’s called a bean because of its resemblance to actual beans.
- Finland is the most caffeinated country, where the average adult consumes the equivalent of four or five cups of coffee a day.
- Coffee with added cream cools about 20% slower than plain black coffee.
- A group of scientists reported that simply inhaling the aroma of coffee can alter the activity of some genes in the brain, reducing the effects of sleep deprivation.
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