12 Music Themed Bullet Journal Spreads
We all have an affinity to music and these 12 amazing Music themed bullet journal spreads really just make us sing with joy! Literally.
So let’s talk about some of the reasons music is so special to us and our wellbeing! Head here to see KPop music bullet journal spreads
We also have a quick fire set of some of our favorite spreads from this set!
5 Reasons music is good for your wellbeing
We know that using your bullet journal is great for your mental health and self care, if you haven’t heard this or know this as a fact, read this post here to clarify this!
- It can help decrease cortisol
In a 2016ย study, theย stress hormone cortisol showed a significant decrease in more than 100 people. This was when comparing levels before and after they had attended two concerts in England.
- It increases cognitive ability – there have been many studies to show that classical music help retain information when study,
- Listening to music apparently increases productivity.
- It’s been show that music can help boost creativity.
- Music can help with relaxation
Here are our 12 favorite Music Inspired Bullet Journal Spreads
I remember as a kid, my aunt taught me to play the piano and my mom took me for lessons, I wasn’t actually able to read music but I was able to play by ear and pick up songs quickly then memorise them. This resulted in many many years of driving my mum batty. However I did end up in a band as a keyboardist – heavens knows how! Still not being able to read music but being able to listen and play. Even now I can still pick up a tune and play its so these gorgeous musical spreads hold a special place in my heart.

Check out these cool music goodies we found for your journal!