Galaxy Hand Lettering Tutorial – 4 styles!
When you think about galaxies you imagine these gorgeous space themes with cosmos and black holes and milky ways. When creating this galaxy hand lettering tutorial, I wanted to make sure it was easy to follow and fun! To be able to create a stunning galaxy (and if you are looking for some space theme inspiration you can head over here for 47 examples of space and galaxy themed spreads too!) So let’s get to it!
[mv_create key=”1″ type=”diy” title=”Galaxy Lettering”]
It’s not rocket science to create a cool galaxy spreads (see what I did there? rocket science hahaha) So, while I realise this is my first proper tutorial – and also I am always improving so have already learnt from my mistakes and am hoping the next one will be even better!
If you want to see a review on the paper notebook we used – the lemome – feel free to read the review here
Here are some snapshots from the tutorial!
You can see we added gold, drop shadows and little white stars to the lettering
So in the tutorial above we have 4 really simple galaxy hand lettering styles for you to try! What else would you like to try?