39 Period Tracker bullet journal layout and spread ideas
Oh “Bloody hell”, the cramps, the crime scenes! The names that come with this feminine monthly time can be totally ridiculous! And I am so glad to be part of a community that can see the humor in period tracking so these period tracker bullet journal layout idea are perfect! So lets talk about periods for a second! Lets first get all the awkwardness out the way!
Are we talking about Menstrual Cycles? Yes. Are we talking about blood, and bodily functions? Yes! Are we talking about birth control? Cycle length? Yes to all of these! And most importantly how to put these into bullet journal ideas that work for you, your body and your cycle!
Another way to look at tracking your cycle is to consider it as a period calendar, which really just helps you assess your menstrual moods and symptoms.
Looking for some really cute Bullet Journal Planner stickers? Have you checked out our shop yet? We have Shark Week Tracker Stickers!
Funny names for “That time of the Month”
I did a quick survey online – said – if you are a lady and you have periods, what do you call them? Some of the most common were:
- A visit from Aunt Flo
- Lady times
- Period
- On the Rag
- Moon time
- Red Badge
- Crimson tide
- Shark week <<my personal favorite
- Riding the cotton pony <<wtf is that! hahahaha
Should you include a period tracker bullet journal layout in your Bujo?
Looking at how to incorporate periods into bullet journal ideas, can be really tricky. Essentially a period tracker is like or similar to a very specific bullet journal mood tracker! For me, my period tracker contains really simple things like – when am I bleeding and when am I not.
I try to keep the concept of my period tracker simple to make it easy to keep up with! This should be the way you approach any bullet journal ideas, keeping it simple is so important! If you want to read mor about mood tracker bullet journal spreads, check out the link!
Well it can be very personal for some people, so including it in a journal that you might see every day or that others might see might not be great but you could potentially use a dutch door system to keep some level of privacy. So it is totally personal preference if you want to include a period tracker in your bullet journal or not.
What I like about the idea of calling it shark week is that essentially some people wont know what this means. Or you could give it a completely unrelated name a color it purple and blue and literally no one but you would know it is a period tracker, which is the joys and benefits of bullet journaling right?
When tracking your period in your bullet journal or bujo you can also track the normal “symptoms” that come with periods, such as headaches, grumpiness, sensitivity, breast sensitivity and the likes. Could could find from tracking these things that in fact you might need to see your doctor because your cycle is to long or short or you start seeing what you “normal” might look like.
Now, because I am pro information and this is a great great resource, the Wa collective is changing the way we think about periods and the environment. They did research at some Uni’s here is Wellington -New Zealand – of 1000 female students 1 in 3 – 1 IN F*ING 3 girls miss class because they do not have access to menstruation products.
That is insane! So These guys have gone on a mission to shake the taboo tree of menstruation and I 100% support this cause. It also stops tampons and pads from going to landfill right, so thats a win! I think there is A LOT of stigma around using a reusable cup – I know I was nervous about trying one, but once I did, and got the hang of it – I dont think I’ll ever go back. Its healthier, cleaner and way better for you and the environment and it eliminates all that cost associated with pads and tampons.
Some of the things you could track
- Fertility or Fertile window
- use of contraceptives or birth control
- you mood or mental health
- self care
- symptoms
- times you have had sex
- discharge
- flow
- cycle length
- ovulation time
- The use of sanitary products, cups, tampons or the likes.
There are just so many thing your could track if you needed it! But its your body and your tracker, and you need to be able to keep up with it in the end. So don’t overwhelm yourself with things to track!
One of the things that might be obvious to some but not to others is to track the start of your period start and end, this will help you better plan and manage your cycle, especially if you are planning on getting pregnant because understanding your cycle helps you understand your fertility.
If you are tracking things to get pregnant, it would also be worth tracking your weight and temperature. Your temperature changes throughout your cycle and is a good indication of when you are ovulating (Which is when your ovary releases the egg ready for fertilising it with sperm to make a baby!)
Some tricks to reducing the symptoms of Periods
So my mum taught me some clever tricks, Mint tea apparently helps with cramping – I googled it and couldn’t really come up with a solid answer so I am just going to believe my mum because mums are always right!
Some other tips I did google:
A salt-heavy diet can cause bloating, caffeine can aggravate irritability or anxiety, alcohol may worsen depression, and too much sugar can destabilize your blood sugar and mood.
Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains the week before your period.
And it’s not just what you eat, but how you eat. Aim to eat at regular intervals to avoid dips and spikes in blood sugar, says Joanne Piscitelli, MD, associate clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Duke University in Durham, N.C.
Some Super Cute period tracker bullet journal layout accessories!
Onto our period tracker bullet journal layout featured posters!