25 technology and social media bullet journal spread layout ideas
This post originally started out as a love for seeing people drawing their technology, in technology and social media bullet journal spread layout ideas – and then I went hunting for more and more!
In a study I did on Instagram I focused on how Instagram can actually cause narcissistic tendencies. Instagram is considered as one of the most toxic environments for social media. However – when it comes to a supportive community I have found our bullet journal and study gram community are the kindest and most supportive of any on Instagram.
In New Zealand we have a great law called The Harmful Digital Communications Act (HDCA) which became law on 3 July 2015 but different parts come into effect at different times. It aims to deter, prevent and lessen harmful digital communications. This includes cyber bullying, harassment and revenge porn posted online through emails, text, websites, applications or social media.
Harmful digital communication and cyber bullying includes:
- sending or publishing threatening or offensive material
- spreading damaging rumours
- sending or publishing sensitive personal information such as embarrassing photos and videos.
Digital communication is defined widely in the Act to include any form of electronic message such as texts, photos, pictures, recordings etc.
The test for determining what is a harmful digital communication is whether the communication was designed to cause serious emotional distress. This is also very wide in its scope.
There are 10 communication principles(external link) that state a digital communication should not:
- disclose sensitive personal facts about an individual.
- be threatening, intimidating or menacing.
- be grossly offensive to a reasonable person in the position of the affected individual.
- be used to harass an individual.
- make a false allegation.
- incite or encourage an individual to commit suicide.
This is really important to our changing digital environment. And I think its critical to be aware of what we right and type behind a keyboard.
Some accessories to help fuel your love for technology and social media bullet journal spread layout ideas
Our featured technology and social media bullet journal spread layout ideas